Senin, 01 Juni 2009

4 Finger Exercise

I have been playing guitar now for 6 years & having no lessons I have picked up some pretty bad habits, one of which is that I have only ever been using 3 fingers to play & not using my pinky. So I decided I wanted to ditch this bad habit and came up with a simple routine that I try to play every day to get used to using all 4 fingers.

I would say just downpick at first as the main aim is to get used to using all 4 fingers, once you are accurate then try to play each pattern with alternate picking.

Pattern 1. - Repeat until you can play every note comfortably.



Pattern 2. - Same as Pattern 1 but with descending parts added.




Pattern 3. - Descending on the high strings, start with the pinky!



Pattern 4. - Descending from the high E.



Pattern 5. - Alternating fingers, get used to the pattern then speed up.


And now back down again


That's about it for now, if you practise these simple patterns often you will get more speed & accuracy with all 4 fingers and it should also build strength in your pinky.

Remember you don't want to strain yourself so if you start to cramp up take a few minutes to relax then when you are comfortable start where you left off.

It will help to play with a metronome to keep a steady rhythm, if you don't have one then you can use an online metronome here.

Remember to enjoy your guitar playing & this may seem boring now, but once your technique is strong you will enjoy your playing a lot more!

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